I made a Ginger Bread House with my daughter the other evening. Kelsie's on the cusp of being four years old, so the project for her was limited to working out ways to eat as much of the frosting (glue) and candy (furnishings) as she could while I read the directions or became otherwise distracted. The house is the same model as the one pictured here, although ours looks a little like this one might after a hurricane. Of all the things in our home these days that serve as reminders of the birth of Christ, this miniature scale distressed property may be the most accurate. Micah 5:2 says, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Bethlehem means "house of bread." Out of the geo-political equivalent of our gingerbread house came the ruler of all houses. Our gingerbread house is sweet, but The One born in Bethlehem is the source of all that is spiritually sweet. Jesus is all good. There are no downsides to Christ. As vulnerable as our gingerbread house was to Kelsie's culinary interests, so Jesus opens Himself to us that we might partake of Him at will. He will always feed and satisfy any soul hungry for the sweetness that only He offers. So, today, I simply want to enjoy Him. How about you?
What's today look like for you? Is there an opportunity to focus more on the goodness of Christ than usual? Is there anything in the way?